Happy Thanksgiving 2020 from Tent and Table!
This was a Rough Year, but We Still Have Things to be Thankful For
As much as we hate stating the obvious, 2020 was an incredibly challenging year for everyone. Looking back on this pandemic, it’s probably safe to say the best thing about this past year is that it’s almost over. But that sour note doesn’t mean we aren’t allowed to have a truly happy Thanksgiving.
Many of us had to scrub our holiday travel---
Wishing Your Family a Happy Thanksgiving from Tent and Table
A few years ago, I was chatting with a friend from Turkey who was spending her very first Thanksgiving ever here in the United States. She had immigrated here just a few months prior for a teaching opportunity at a university, and was instantly smitten with America’s holiday season.
It was just a few weeks prior that my friends and I were telling her about Halloween. There’s no trick-or-treating in Turkey, although ---
10 Fall Games for the Season of Pumpkin Spice Everything
The Season of Pumpkin Spice Everything is Here
I know I'm in the minority here, especially in Upstate New York. But as an avid aficionado of summer, I've never been all too keen on the start of fall ... an event that seems to happen earlier and earlier each year, I might add. Here we are in the middle of August, and already our fun summer things are being hijacked by dreadful fall things.
I wouldn't mind all of the fall hoopla, but it keeps coming earlier and earlier each---