party rental company
Spring Cleaning: How to Clean Your Delivery Equipment
The sun is finally out, and it’s here to stay. You know what that means - spring is around the corner, and it’s time for spring cleaning.
Most of our customers use delivery equipment to get tents and inflatables where they need to be, and making sure it’s clean and in top-notch condition is paramount in ensuring your product makes it from point A to point B safely.
15 Mistakes New Party Rental Companies Keep Making
Party Rental Companies Make The Same Mistakes. Repeatedly.
Over the last two years, the party rental industry has changed dramatically. The pandemic kept people from gathering, which meant it kept you from serving your customers.
But, luckily, things are starting to get back on track now and we’re glad for it. We missed you all, and we’re sure you missed---
What Generator Do I Need for My Event Rental Company
We’ve seen a lot of discussion in our event rental community about generators. Generators and inverters are two examples of equipment that provide power. You may have caught our recent Facebook Live where Mark chatted all about the difference between them and when it is best to use each one. So what do you need for your rental setups?
What size generator---
The TNT Cyber Show is Back for 2022!
The most profitable season for party rental business owners is finally starting. Back in 2015, Tent and Table saw a need for a trade show in the spring months that gave owners an opportunity to take advantage of show deals and not get pulled away from their business during peak rental season. We realized that booked weekends filled with events limited the amount of travel event professionals could commit to, let alone for a week-long trade show.
Party Rental Equipment is Eligible for 2021 Tax Deductions with Section 179
Section 179 is something every event professional should know about in the event industry. Instead of letting rental equipment depreciate, Section 179 allows all equipment purchases to be written off your taxes at once. What does this mean for you as an event operator? It means saving money when filing your 2021 taxes. And who doesn’t want that extra cash to go back into their business?
What Rental Equipment Qualifies for Section 179?---
How to Start an Event and Party Rental Business - Part IV
Part IV - Managing Your New Event and Party Rental Company
Let’s Go Over Some Business Organization and Management Basics
Now it’s time to start getting into the meat and potatoes of owning your new event and party rental business. How you manage your staff, track critical data, and handle other business matters will make or break your fledgling small business. But with a little preparation and some additional---